A war against homeless people is what they are breaking loose with. Most MSM networks most likely sent a "memo" to each other that they are only to use the term "rough sleepers" now and you all know that MSM does what they are told.
The war on homelessness works much like their ever popular "war on drugs". Caused more drug use and this one will cause more suffering for the homeless. BTW: here in the states some of the big cities like Denver, CO are actually missing homeless people. Where did they all go? How did they go? Brings up some very serious questions. :( Churches here are being fined for giving food and shelter to homeless people, now how sick and "in your face" is that?
That is just shocking and you're probably right to be suspicious about the missing homeless. You're bang on target with your "war on homeless" comment. It can be seen as nothing else. You know how it goes Vickie, feed on the week is what they do. Cheers for your support. Hey how good is your whistling? I have just put out a challenge...
Will go check out your challenge but my whistling is near nothing now. Used to be able to whistle, growing up on a farm and then living in the mountains BUT it is like they say I guess....use it or lose it LOL