Case Study: Asthma caused by antibiotics and fixed with Arsenic!

in #homeopathy8 years ago

Girl, 3.5 years old, USA.

Main Symptoms:

  • Asthma. Began at 2 years & 8mths after being prescribed antibiotics (Amoxicillin) for Lyme disease.
  • Chronic Cough. Also began after the antibiotics.
  • Poor immunity. Gets ill easily when exposed to bugs. Began after the antibiotics.

Other Symptoms:

  • Chronic constipation from birth, with bloating.
  • Swollen liver (diagnosed by Lyme doctor).
  • Fatigue. Less energy than other kids, struggles to stay awake by the afternoon.
  • Night waking at 12am. Wakes unrefreshed in the morning.

Current Medication: Prophylactic daily antibiotics due to the poor immunity + daily steroid inhaler for wheezing + various supplements.
This medication seems to 'take the edge off' the chronic wheezing, but she has been frequently hospitalised these past months where she has been given MORE antibiotics and steroids. This approach clearly wasn't 'curing', just keeping the symptoms at bay.

My Prescription: Arsenicum Album 200c twice a week for 4 weeks

Follow-up appointment today (my last case of 2016!):
Mother reports 'her breathing is 95% better'. She no longer needs to take her daily steroid inhaler & mum is planning to stop the antibiotics this week.
Chronic constipation 50% improved. Bloating 25% improved
Improved night waking
She has also been exposed to several bugs and had a slight runny nose (before the Arsenicum, mum reports that these would have resulted in hospitalisation with severe ashma symptoms)

Remaining symptoms:
We still need to work on the fatigue, the night waking & the remaining bowel issues.

Today's prescription: Arsenicum Album 1m twice a week for 4 weeks (it worked amazingly, let's see if the Arsenicum can continue it's magic with this stronger dose)

A fantastic result! Placebo? If so, why did the antibiotics, steroids & supplements not have the same effect? I haven't even seen the child, so it can't be my charm & charisma ;-)

Happy New Year everyone !


The asthma prevention inhaler, IMO, is a vortex that'll suck the patient into greater medical dependency. There must be better solutions. Arsenic never came to mind though. :)
I was on the inhaler for a few years, but was getting worse. Plus, my blood pressure was going up and I was just feeling ill. There were other factors, but I started to see how one medication was leading to another, and I was only about 40.
One day I finally had enough and put all the meds away, keeping only the albuterol. I actually noticed no change right away, but after a few months I basically stopped wheezing. Could the maintenance inhaler actually have been promoting my asthma? I often wonder, and have a cynical enough perspective of big pharma to wonder what goes on behind closed doors in regard to this.
Thanks for the insight.

Great comment anotherjoe.
I agree.
A family member has had rheumatoid arthritis for years & has been on steroids for 20+ years to suppress the symptoms. Now he's on the waiting list for a new kidney! As someone once said, all they are able to do is 'cut, burn, or poison'....that's not real medicine, it's not healing.

The body does need trace amounts of arsenic usually the levels in drinking water are plenty.

It sounds like she has Arsenic Toxicity. The best way to determine this is with a hair analysis.

Symptoms of Arsenic Toxicity include alopecia, constipation, confusion, delayed healing, dermatitis, diarrhea, drowsiness, edema, fatigue, GI complaints, headaches, burning and tingling, muscle pain, neuropanthy, numbness, numbness, pruritis, seizures, stomatitis and weakness.

There's a lot safer ways to treat Asthma and according the Dr. Joel Wallach it's a deficiency in essential fatty acids, manganese and magnesium.

Hope that helps.

I'd get a hair analysis just to make sure you aren't poising this little girl. If you are that's no problem either. Selenium and a few other vitamins are good at removing Arsenic from the body.


Thank you for the reply. You seem to be confusing homeopathic Arsenicum Album 200c with Arsenic (which is, of course a poison). Here's a link which explains what the 200c means.

I agree about the usefullness of hair tests though, I use them frequently in my practice. :-)

Interesting.. I don't trust Wikipedia (there is a conflict of interest). Can you recommend a good source of info on Arsenicum Album?

Here's one, it's from a book published in 1800s by a brilliant American homeopath :

I hate to say it but so much nonsense in one post it really boggles the mind.

First, I'm going to assume you asked permission to post a picture of one of your patients on Steemit.

Second, case studies are mostly useless even when they're properly done (yours is not). It's a mistake to generalize from a case study and absolutely shameful and irresponsible to promote it to the public in this way. This is one of the ways we know that homeopathy is bogus. Once we transition from case studies to more serious lines of inquiry like meta-analyses, it transforms from homeopathy to medicine.

Third, she was given amoxicillin for lyme disease. I'm going to assume you know how dangerous lyme disease is. I'll also assume that if your daughter got lyme disease you would treat her with modern medicine instead of homeopathy. If not, please expand.

Fourth, you assert her asthma started secondary to the antibiotic yet do not provide any evidence to support this proposition. You should.

Fifth, in the last paragraph of this drivel you mention the placebo effect. The effect sizes of placebos are actually quite considerable. Being in homeopathy I'll also assume you know this. I'll propose another alternative hypothesis. Nothing. You did nothing, the arsenicum album contributed nothing and she became better because of something else like her other medications, the doctors taking care of her, etc.

Happy New Year!

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. If I may answer your points:

  1. The picture is from a commons library . It's not my patient, it's a representation of her.
  2. I'm not sure how to answer this one, you seem very emotive about it! A case study is the study of a case... that's it, I'm not sure where your rant is coming from. What's brilliant is, I am FREE to post case studies on the internet without censor. There'll be LOTS more in the coming years from me & my colleagues. I'm also not sure how you get from my case to the conclusion that 'homeopathy is bogus'. If what I report is true (it is) then this is an incredible result, regardless of what label you put on it.
  3. I'm not sure what my daughter catching Lyme disease has with anything. This case wasn't about my daughter, or Lyme disease. It was about a little girl's adverse reaction to antibiotics, and how she was helped by an infinitesimal amount of arsenic.
  4. I'm not sure why you feel I should produce 'evidence' ... this isn't a piece of research I'm attempting to submit to a peer-reviewed journal, it's a case study I'm posting on Steemit. Can antibiotics produce chronic asthma as a side effect? Yes, it's a known possible side effect (along with seizures & a whole host of other things)
  5. It's rude to refer to my post as 'drivel'. Your other explanation is possible of course, but doesn't match what the child's mother, me, or her doctor observed. When reality doesn't match your belief structure, it might be time to change the belief structure.

In conclusion, you appear to be an interesting example of internet flora & fauna that I have come across many times. Reading between the lines your belief structure appears to be: 'Homeopathy is nonsense, therefore this post is nonsense'. The cognitive dissonance of your beliefs & the contents of this post was too much to bear, so you felt compelled to reply.

Happy New Year :-)