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RE: Homeschoolers to be treated as child abusers?

in #homeschool7 years ago (edited)

These criminal politicians in California are ALL-IN on Agenda 21/30.

Just look at how they are also participants in all the nefarious climate engineering that is literally cooking and destroying large parts of the state. (I've recently written a piece about this - The Silent War: Weather Manipulation which extensively documents the implementation of this agenda.


Oh, and don't forget all the forced vaccinations along with the indoctrination agenda...

To me, it appears that Californians are sheep led to the slaughter. Just a handful of citizens seem to care about either of these issues, let alone be even aware of them.

Sad indeed.


I am glad you mentioned Agenda 21/30. You are right that forced schooling, vaccinations are all part of it. There are three choices in this world, to be a wolf, a sheep, or a Shepard. If enough of us are not Shepards the sheep will allow the wolves to surround us.