Hello, my name is Joshua. I am the homeschool kid.
Today I am going to show you the biggest spider I have ever seen. It is a Yellow Garden Spider. My dad saw it in the garden on the achocha vines. It was black and yellow. It was shaking its web because it was telling me to back off. I think it thought I was going to hurt it.
The Yellow Garden Spider has venom, but it is harmless to humans. They like to make their webs near big sunny fields. I'm guessing it built its web in our garden because it is sunny there. In the web's middle, there is line of zigzag silk. No one knows for sure what it is for, but it is possible that it is for camouflaging the spider in the middle of its web.
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What a beautiful garden spider!
We get big spiders like this at our house because we live near a lake. Sometimes they get so big we give them names - these kind are big enough that their bodies are about the size of a quarter. They like to build their webs over our windows because the light in the house attracts bugs at night. Ours are typically orb spinners and are often orange and black. Last year they were so numerous it got a little ridiculous and people around here called it a "Spider Year". There were so many webs that sometimes they were connected together.
Hi Joshua! Keep up the good work! Does this count as part of your schooling for the day? :-D
Yes, I am learning as I write these fun facts.
That's awesome man! We always called those "writing spiders" because of those zigzagging lines within the web. Very cool and very big indeed! Keep up the good work!
Boh pik isampeng bak pisang,,, nyoe nyan maksudjih,,, ataawa nak maksud laen,,,
The behaviour you noted, of bouncing in their web, is interesting. I have also seen Black Widows do this.
Black Widows do have pretty toxic venom, but they are not aggressive at all, and use that signalling method to warn non-predators that they risk being bitten if they don't stay away.
Keep observing, and you will keep learning!
I think he may be a kind of Orb Weaver. Very cool.
Awesome @thehomeschoolkid. Keep up the good work! @ironshield
Great writing!