If you are new to homeschooling then your state law is the logical first step in order to make sure you are dotting your is and crossing your ts.
But even if you are a veteran homeschooler refreshing your memory of the law each year will be helpful to you.
My Advice About HOW to Follow Your States Homeschooling Law
When I started homeschooling I read the law, then went to many forums to find out how to comply with said law. If you are in PA you probably know that the law is up for interpretation. Just a bit. ;)
A portfolio is to be maintained in PA. Simple enough, right? Well not really. What does your school district expect to see in that portfolio? Do they want 10 student samples per subject or 20 or even more? What types of samples? Will a table of contents of a book suffice or must all samples be writings or worksheets done by the child?
A forum isnt going to be able to answer these questions unless you are lucky enough to find someone in your district. Even then each person has their own situation.
My advice? Seek out professional opinions (for example from HSLDA) or go directly to your district and find out straight from them what they want.
If you are not able to find clear information from HSLDA or from your district then read the law, pray about it and do what you believe is right. If you are focused on the Lord and truly want to represent Him in your life then everything should work out.
My Story (or How I Came to this Conclusion)
I dont give this advice lightly. I wish I had done this right from the start. I should have prayed over this and remembered that God put this authority over me.
My situation was that I believed I should put together a very minimal portfolio. The idea was that if I did this then those who came after me would also be able to d0 the same. This would keep things easier for everyone.
I believed this advice to be sound. However, the district I currently find myself in does not see things this way. This caused me some end of year scrambling for a few years in order to comply with their wishes.
If you are lucky then you are either in a state with minimal homeschool compliance laws, or you are in a district who either does not want to see your portfolio (yes they do exist) or they will accept a very small sampling of work.
More of My Story or Not
Why is this a big deal? Just give them more work and be done with it.
Good question.
That may be another blog post.
Ill simply say that in our homeschool life happens and whatever the reason it is just not always easy.
Methods that dont employ written work, Mommy being sick, children who dont like to write, cameras that break, printers that jam, sloppy work, not wanting to be scrutinized if work is not up to grade level, uncertainty about what the school district thinks is acceptable work..Im sure there are more reasons.
Shoving a sock in it now because there is so much more to be said.
What is the homeschool law in your state? Do you find it easy to comply?
Have you had any problems complying with your states homeschool laws?
Have you blogged about the homeschool law in your state? Please let me know, I would LOVE to read it and link it up here for you.