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RE: Don't stay in school! (english / deutsch) + Banner-bounty-update

in #homeschooling7 years ago

Not only I 100% agree with this, I'd also like to add the fact that high school made my life miserable. I'm not super familiar with the american school system but here where I live (Italy) it's insanity. I became a failure at everything I do and lost all interest in living. I know it's kind of cliché to be a teenage boy and hate your life, but bear with me: I have to spend 5 hours in a place that I hate (school) and and at times an equal amount of time studying (which I also have no interest in). To be fair I normally study 3 hours a day, and I only go out on Saturdays which means that 6/7 days of the week of my life revolve around studying and school. I also don't have a girlfriend (but that probably has to do with me being shy af, despite being good looking and skinny) and I don't have many friends either, which only adds to the miserable experience of my existence. And I blame for the most part school.