I too have learnt so much more from homeschooling them. My eldest wanted to do her times tables, so I now know them better than I ever did at school! I think school can actually knock the natural urge to learn out of them when it forces them to learn by rote, something they're not interested in.
It's not a great feeling to hear how many countries are banning it or tightening up on it.
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Last I checked homeschooling was growing at an incredible rate: 66% per year, at least in the US. People love their kids, and no bureaucrats are going to change that for good parents. When push comes to shove, my kids did, and always will, come first. There was no mechanism that could have prevented me from homeschooling, as I was determined to enable my kids to know facts and not be lied to as was I in indoctrination centers known as public schools.
There were some attempts, and the principal of the local elementary school once revealed that me homeschooling was costing the school district ~$20k/year in federal funds. I thought that was a bargain for my kids not being misled, and that was the end of that.
Not everyone is as immune to such pressure, but I was nowhere close to my limit. I know many good parents feel the same way, and the statistics regarding homeschooling growth demonstrate that. In a way, people succumbing to bureaucratic pressure to enroll their kids in public schools is an evolutionary force. Kids that learn facts are better prepared for real life, and parents that love them enough to make sure they do are a survival trait.
So far, that's what my kids succeeding has shown me as well. No better example of homeschooling import than successful homeschooled kids could exist, and I think that's why homeschooling is growing so fast in the USA.
It seems we both did our part to inspire our communities to better prepare their kids by providing good examples. We have undertaken our civic duty, as well as our parental duty. I am proud of that, and you shoud be too.
A 66% increase might be why they're pushing back against it.
I've never had any pressure from anyone with regards schooling, although I have heard of people locally who have. Maybe it's my resting b**ch face which puts people off trying to argue it with me. 😆
Successful adults is certainly a shining example. Someone's you feel you have to excel when you do things that are not considered the norm, in order to prove yourself, because you're guaranteed to come under scrutiny and people will be quick to latch onto the "failures."
Thank you.
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hahah your resting bitch face, would love to see that!!!