Hello everyone, How are you guys doing?
We've been so busy this week! (like always I would say...); a lot of work in the house/outdoor and all activities we did during the day were just to much!
Talking about motherhood, in the present , my days with my sweet toddler are not easy. He's in a phase when nothing is all right and everything I do is not ok. If I put the chair some place, the problem is 'why did I put it there?' and if I put it back the big problem is 'why didn't I just leave it where it was'?. I guess you know what I mean.
The last month he was (& he still is) very dependent on me, like never before. I can go nowhere without screems and crying. I guess it's just a phase and you know what? I don't even complain about it because I know it won't last forever. I certanly know that a few years later, I will deeply miss this! And I already feel that my heart will be broken at thought that my sweet little boy had grown so fast! 💔
Anyways, these are just my thoughts and me, being at the moment, tired of being...tired! huh
About this activity I'm posting about, we did it when my toddler was one yr and a half. We used those classic blocks for children to make it! It's really easy to set up and you just need white paper, markers and blocks.
The whole point of this activity is that children need to associate the colors of the blocks with the color on the paper. As you already know, the "drawing" wants to be the representaion of the colored blocks. This way, kids can learn colors because you will name them and show them to him. My baby boy already knew the colors of this age but it was still a very good activity. I know he learned more than colors with this.
This activity also helps with developing these learning and cognitive skills: concentration and focus, patience, eye-hand coordination, problem solving and fine motor skills and handiness.
We started with this one, which is more suitable for small toddlers. If you feel your child can't concentrate that long or the number of blocks are too many, you can start with 3 or 4 blocks and then add more. You can start with 2 colors or 3. Or you can try with 6 or 7 colors if your kids can handle it.
Because my boy was always happy and eager to do learning activities like this and he had enough patience to stay on his tiny table and work on these, we brought this activity to a next level. It surprised me to see that he was doing it 'till the end without being fussy, tired or bored. At that time, I felt that maybe it's a little to much for him but it wasn't.
He had to match 24 blocks, but not individual blocks like the first activity we did.
With his tiny hands (and figers), he struggled to put all blocks in their place, nicely, each one next to the other and this way we worked on those fine motor skills. When he put one block on the paper, the other next to it went out of the square because he pushed the first one to much. So he had do learn how to manage the situation and how to put the blocks next to each other without setting aside the others.
In the end...he thought to put numbers on the paper because....he's in love with numbers. A few months from now (2-3) and he will be one year since he started to play with numbers. He's still amazed by them, he's still interested in them and as I see it, this won't end up soon. His all life is around numbers.
What do your little one love? What are they playing with at this age? My boy is 2 yrs and 4mo now and his passion are numbers and painting.
Have a lovely day, Missdeli 💓
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