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RE: What I've Learnt From Homeschooling my Daughters.

in #homeschooling6 years ago

Hardest thing I’ve found with homeschooling is always feeling like whatever I’m doing is never enough and I’ve doomed them to failure. Damn this responsibility thing if I’d shoved them in school and they weren’t doing well then I could blame the school 🤣

You have to fill in forms? 😱 we just have to keep notes to show and discuss with the moderator.

Posted using Partiko iOS


if I’d shoved them in school and they weren’t doing well then I could blame the school

Yup! 😆 There have been moments when I've felt like shoving my youngest back in school to let them take the blame of failing her! We worked through it and she's taking on more responsibility herself now, though.

They like you to fill in firms and sign them before they come, then they add bits to it as they chat with you. They also like to see what books you're using and some work too, but they're obliged to look through everything that the kids might want to show them, so they prefer not to be over loaded and there for hours. They encourage just a few bits to get an idea of what they've been doing.

Posted using Partiko Android