Painting Class at the Library again! ♥

in #homeschooling7 years ago (edited)

Today was painting class at the library!

The summer reading program is still in full swing at our local library! We do have bi-monthly painting classes outside of the summer reading program, but this one was especially for people signed up for the program.

@SnekLady and I had a blast painting! My neighbor and @SnekLady's friend, (who is visiting for the summer), came along too, making it even more fun. ♥

Without further ado... my painting from today!

We had such a great time painting. I am just loving learning the different techniques and getting ideas for paintings. I actually am thinking about doing this one again, but with a different color palette. I'm thinking shades of orange would be striking...

I would love to show you @SnekLady's painting as well, but she really wants to get back into posting more regularly on Steemit, and will probably make a post about it herself. I'll link it here if she does manage it in the next few days.

She tends to be a little scatterbrained, and really means to post more often, but life is just so darn distracting!

Check it out!Edited to add: @SnekLady DID make a post about it!


I hope you enjoyed my painting as much as I did! Thanks for looking, and have a wonderful evening!! ♥


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Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a


Love it. What an original creative painting.

Thanks! It was fun to paint! ♥

congratulation, its a good job

Love it!

We have done a few canvas class type paintings before, most of them are hung in our house!

We hang ours up too! We almost have a wall's worth at this point, haha! Who needs to buy decorations when you can just make your own!?

True remind me of my friend and I.. I'm the scatter brain and she's always late. LOL! I love your painting and will look forward to seeing your next version of it.

Thanks so much! Now I just need to make time to take a breather and sit down and PAINT!