Literary Devices and Sneetches, Homeschooling Blog, Grade 7

Literary Devices and Sneetches

Point of View

The Sneetches is told with the narrator outside of the story. It is told in third person.


The stars on the Sneetches is an example of symbolism. Stars symbolize doing very well in something. A product might get five stars if enough people like it. A movie might get 3 stars from a reviewer. Your teacher might give you a gold star if you do very well on a project.

The stars on the Sneetches are however are green. Green symbolizes jealousy. The Sneetches are always jealous of one another.

Lastly, stars are associated with famous people, movie, rock, and sports stars. Many people think that these are special people. Being marked with a star might make people think that you are special and awesome.


A good example of foreshadowing in Harry Potter is when the wand that choses Harry has a feather from the same phoenix as the one in Voldemort’s wand. It foreshadows the dark connection between Harry and Tom Riddle.

The foreshadowing in Sneetches occurs in the following paragraph. The reader understands that McBean means to trick the Sneetches and get their money. He is running a con. Dr Seuss with the use of sly and the price increase, of more than 300 percent to remove the stars versus putting them on in the first place are both examples of foreshadowing.

Then up came McBean with a very sly wink And he said, "Things are not quite as bad as you think. So you don't know who's who. That’s perfectly true. But come with me, friends. Do you know what I'll do? I'll make you, again, the best Sneetches on beaches And all it will cost you is ten dollars eaches.

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