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RE: Unschooling suits Rebels. But what about Obligers?

Unschooling is the idea that learning is an innate ability and that people truly learn what they need to learn, when they need to learn it. Schooling isn't about learning, it's about forcing facts and testing them, coercion, control, shame, and indoctrination into accepting an artifical hierarchy in society. The government decides what should be taught and when, with really no thought as to what is developmentally appropriate or actually valuable in a modern economy, let alone what a child wants to learn. Unschoolers reject the idea that children should learn certain things at certain times. So the idea that one of your daughters is not interested in learning is not true. She is just not interested in learning what you think is acceptable and appropriate. That is totally your decision and your right to decide that as her parent. In many places, homeschoolers are forced to teach and pass testing. But unschooling is not about what the parent or school arbitrarily wants, it's about what is best for the child which, if someone is unschooling, would be self directed authentic learning so the child grows into the person they want to be... as opposed to the regurgitating of information to get an A reward. In unschooling, there is no reward other than the learning itself and its benefits, which produces a lifelong learner and usually someone very very good at their chosen profession.


Yep. This is what I’m processing right now. I’m trying to get to the bottom of why I am finding myself departing from unschooling (which I’ve been committed to for about 13 years). I think I’m getting to the bottom of it.
The problem fir my 4th child is she’s not content with what she’s doing with her time (she is often bored) and she never seems to know what she might want to do. That’s not been the case with my other children.
I thought Rubin’s insights might be useful in her regard.

I get what unschooling is. I’m just not so sure after all that I’m ok with it.