(Originally posted on May 20, 2016. Look for an update very soon!)
Derrick Broze discusses the beginning of a new homesteading project being organized by activists from the Houston area and around Texas. The basic idea is to buy land in Texas and form a community of individuals based on the principles of non-aggression, permaculture/sustainability, and mindfulness. The goal is to make the community a hub for education, creation, and networking. The community will focus on becoming independent from all corporate and state systems (power, internet, food, economy, defense) through counter-economic activity.
More information on our inspirations and resources:
What is a Freedom Cell?
Organizing Against Violent Cops
Josiah Warren, his ideas and communities
Karl Hess and his community books
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I am always available for interviews, Please contact [email protected]
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▶️ IPFSI am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for @activistpost and the founder of the ; I have also co-authored three books with @johnvibes:
This is awesome! If more people chose to live simply then more people would see the benefit and convert. Keep it up!
Thanks for sharing the information. I like it and I really appreciate it.
Good luck man, we need more of this! Resteemed.
Wow !!!
Very good @dbroze, success yes
Do you have land in mind yet? I need to bring attention to Liberty Co., TX. There is a pastor named Aubrey Vaughan who, back in '15 was the tri-county Tea Party director. I met him personally while we were both in Pensacola fighting for Kent Hovind over IRS attack. He has a church, and co-owns with his son, 40 acres of campgrounds (with living facilities). I believe he would be very favorable to the idea of helping the group get started with a bartering contract: food you produce for rent. Being church property, it will COMPLETELY protect you from attacks like Kokesh caught on his homestead in AZ. No tax on church property. He is NOT 501c3. [email protected] Anyone. Anytime.
I definitely want to hear more about this. I will be releasing a video shortly that will discuss where my plans are now.
as I said... email me. Or I do skype... My internet connection just went really high speed, so no buffering issues any more.
Really excited to hear you're still going to do this! May the Universe continue to shine brightly upon you!
@dbroze Looking forward to the update Derrick. Would love to hear the feedback and the steps you and your community took and how you got everything set up.