The cashew nut tree grows within an outer shell at the end of an edible fruit known as the cashew apple. The shell of the kernel contains a thick caustic oil which can cause severe burns and skin irritation on contact. Caution must be taken when shelling nuts and protective clothing is recommended. The tree is very attractive, it produces beautiful scented flower, followed by the enticing red fruit. It can grow to 16meters and favours dry tropical conditions especially in coastal regions. It is a fast growing and strong tree that will tolerate dry conditions once it is established. It is best grown in well drained Sandy loamy soil. They will not tolerate poorly drained soil and can be prone to damage from wind.
Cashew apple juice contains a number of healthy essential nutrients and that is why most health specialists recommend eating one apple each day. Cashew apple juice provides your body with high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. With zero cholesterol and a very low quality of saturated fats and sodium,cashew apple are one of the healthiest fruit.
- Prevention of Asthma: One of the unique advantage of cashew apple is that it contains flavonoids This imperative nutrients is well known to prevent asthma attacks. In addition flavonoids play a significant role in making your lungs strong and effective.
2.Cleanser: Cashew apple juice cleanses the whole system especially the liver. The alkalinity in the apples assist in cleaning the destructive toxins/waste by -products from the liver in addition to maintaining the pH levels of the body. Pectin, present in the apple's skin, promotes the digestive system.
3.Reduce Cholesterol: Along with the other several benefits of cashew apple juice, an important benefit is it's assistance in lowering the cholesterol levels. The excess cholesterol levels in body are the main cause behind numerous cardiovascular ailments.
4.Boosts the Immune System:The good amount of vitamin C in cashew apple improves the immune system of the body as well as assist the body in combating germs and bacteria. - Improves Eye Health: A sufficient quantity of vitamin A is available in the cashew apple juice. This vitamin helps in improving the eye vision and preventing eye disorders.
Cashew nuts are abundant source of essential minerals, especially manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and selenium are concentrated in these nuts.
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It's a real nourishing fruit and we are in the season. Thanks for sharing @light90
Thanks dear