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RE: Sacred Bull/Raging Cow

in #homestead8 years ago

Oh my...I totally feel for you my friend...nobody is fun to be around when their "bitch" factor is cranked that high...heck not even me. :D LOL.

Looking forward to the pictures of the calves...and hopefully Helena's in a better mood tomorrow and with any luck you can separate her. :D

Good luck and hopefully you have an awesome day tomorrow where every single goes as planned. :D

(We both know that when dealing with animals that is NOT going to happen, but that is what I hope for you. :D)


Thank you, my friend. I think it's too late - she's likely already bred, so she may as well stay where she is. Or be turned loose onto a 300,000 acre plot of land, but that's not likely to happen, so hopefully she just produces a nice baby (or two) again next year to make up for what a pain in the neck she is.

LOL, I hear you. I'm hoping our three girls are bred and that their children have their mother's temperaments and not their father's. :D

Wait, I shouldn't really say that, Ferdinand has a lovely personality, except when he gets bored...than his personality is very destructive and mean to our fences and pasture gate. :D