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RE: Greenhouse raised Hugelkultur bed update pt 3 (tomatoes and peppers)

in #homestead8 years ago

I'm not an expert on permaculture, I live at high elevation in a dry climate and I love them. For me the benefit is having to water less, no tilling, I can inoculate the beds with mushrooms(king stropharia), it composts the large woody yard waste, the amount of soil life went up(ie. worms), and it takes me less time physically to manage. I don't know what it will do in your climate, but it might be worth trying. I think it could be awesome with swales


Live in KY, Zone 6B. We have a 35 acres of woods that need to be thinned out. I am going to try a swale or two & see what happens. I will let you know if it works....
Thanks again!

Sounds like a great plan, best of luck!