Dear Steemians,
I d like to share the big adventure of self-sufficiency with you. About three years ago, i began to start.
There are lots of reasons to become self-sufficient. Is it to beat the big Companys, find back to nature or feel more like a real Human, able to care for himshelf.
The beginning is hard some times, I d like to show the easiest and most efficient ways to get more independence and happieness in life. One day in the office is not as good for most people, than harvesting your own food, sitting on the bonfire or going to the chicken house and pick your own breakfast eggs.
It´s a fantastic feeling, if you are tired from your own hands work, dirty fingers, clear spirit, grabbing some potatoes out of your bonfire and eat them together with your friends or family . Its not to hard, you just have to start. Be brave.
It´s worth it.
Total self-sufficiency is not possible to do in one or two days, if you know how, feel free to tell me. :-D
But you can do it step by step.
For beginners and professionals i suggest TOPINAMBUR Helianthus tuberosus,
You can plant it all year long, as far as the soil in´t frozen.
Its so easy to grow, you have to try it. Dig a hole put the tubers in, close the hole with soil an d wait.
You can get the tubers in the internet or in a wholefood shop or maby in a normal super maket.
So if you like to become the pilot of your life, just start now.
If you don´t have a garden, plant it in a pot. :-D
The plant likes is wet and sunny, grows up to about 2,5 Meters an the best is, you just harvest the whole winter long an if you just leaf some tubers, they will grow again in the next year.
You can use topinambur like potatoes, but you can also eat them raw.
Let me hear from your experience with this great plants.
I have to go back to my hammock now, topis are growing by ther own.
your crazy gardener
I really neede a garden... got to save money!