So, how long will the battery stay energized? Bummer about poison ivy and oak. I have not had good experience with the ivy. It looks like a very nice setup, I have 2 sisters that each have about 5 acres, they are located about a mile apart. I wonder if they are aware of them. Both have goats, not sure how many anymore.
According to the charts, the battery I purchased (deep cycle marine battery @ 100 amp hours I believe) should last about 50 days with the Energizer I have. Tall grass will ground it and diminish this time, however. I try to mow or trim a path where the fence will go to reduce this issue. I keep my goats in the barn at night so I just put a charger on it every few days.
So are the goats going to clear some of your over grown forest? And can they eat the poison ivy?
Oh yes. That is the plan. They make light work of poison ivy. We only have 4 very young goats right now, but as they grow and reproduce it will be quite the mowing crew.
So will you have problems with the oil of the poison ivy getting on the hair of the goats and then transferring it to you? That was part of my problem was getting the oil transferred from a dog.
My understanding is that it can be a problem. We will just have to be careful until they knock it down.
There is that expensive wash that's supposed to neutralize the oil, I had a pharmacy at one time and we never had anyone come and buy it. We are in an area that is pretty much corn/soy fields and price of farmland is high so farmers are taking out the old farm house groves and such
You can also make a remedy from jewel weed I believe. It is supposed to be nature's antidote for poison ivy.