Repurpose or Upcycle Items to save Money on the Homestead.

in #homestead6 years ago

Let's get creative!

It's been a while back, June I believe, I made a post about upcycling some metal baskets from the thrift store into rabbit feeders. They have worked out great!


And I made mention of my guinea fowl cage I built from free wood I picked up at the sawmill. I want to put wheels on it but haven't got that done yet.
The Guinea are enjoying the extra space. Had to make some changes with their feeder and waterer. I think this photo will explain why 😵 haha


Recently I posted about cleaning my rabbit cages. But I didn't mention that some of them are also from recycled materials. Free wood and bits and pieces from older cages.
Over the years I've learned if you have critters you NEED cages. Cages for their safety, for confinement, cages to carry them to the vet or to isolate them if they get sick or hurt.

If you are a new homesteader or new to small farm animals like chickens, ducks, rabbit, guinea, etc. This is something you need to consider.

This is a super short video of some of the cages I remodeled or built and added my creative touch to as well.

Enjoy the bonus clip at the End!

I don't want to spoil the surprise so if your curious about the story behind the clip just hit me with a comment!

Thanks so much for stopping by the homestead!

Yep, original photos taken by me on my cheap cell phone!
Video is original content to!


I am a renown packrat and we use recycled stuff for many of our projects. Much of my stuff comes from tag sales, so that's been recycled too.

It's very practical. I think folks just getting started spend a lot of money on new items. There are many other options.
Thanks so much for reading my post 😄

howdy there sugarcreek! wow you are so efficient in being able to get all those cages built for practically nothing, that's a great demonstration of how that can be done so good job!

You gotta get creative when your doing everything on a budget. My budget is pretty tight 😉

haha! yes Ma'am well I think you gotta get that way and act like you don't HAVE a budget! great job you're doing though!

My shoulder slowing me down. Keep forgetting I'm not 20 anymore. 😂 but I'm getting there.

howdy there sugarcreek! what did you do to your shoulder? and I bet it slowed you down just a little but you kept working didn't you?

Not sure what happened, it's just been hurting. I am trying to rest it as best I can but I also have some packing to do.
This job my husband took is dragging out longer than I would like. So I'm trying to get things ready to go if he finishes in time. If not will have to wait for spring. So I'm also trying to make preparations to winter here again if we have to.
So I'm all over the place at the moment!
And I have to do my critter chores daily regardless.
My granddaughter is in Charleston with her dad right now. He has a plan but pray for them. This storm looks bad.

oh I will pray for them, are they on the coast? well so you guys might make the move before winter after all or it's too close to call because you don't know when your husband's job will be over huh?