Does it matter if it is a human baby or a animal baby?
Nope not really.
When a baby cries the mama comes out across the board (ask any Mom who hears a kid shout mama in a store, we all look!)
This morning while watching a video from Arms Family Homestead who was tagging his baby goats, my very old mama cat came running!
Grace is a mama all the way thru her and let any baby cry and she has to find it and fix it!
Babies are not supposed to cry at all and a human or creature will have her nipping at me if I do not fix it!
Link to Arms video:
Link to my video of Grace:
Do you react like this also?
Any of your critters do this?
My chihuahua girls will wake up from a deep sleep upon
hearing puppings on a video :-)
awesome post @weetreebonsai!
Critters sure respond...
We don't have any pets...just some wild friends.
Grace was/still is pretty wild (feral) but with her being a alpha she does keep things calmer.
Oh I react that way with other people's children. If they need something...I am right there to help if needed. I have always been the "mother" to everyone around me so it is just my nature. So sweet of your kitty to react like that though! I love it!
It is the way she has always been!