#homesteadingchallange number 2

in #homesteadchallenge8 years ago (edited)

Going to jump on the wagon with this fun little challenge. Thanks for pointing it out to me @jayjayjeffery!!!

So here it goes, my most embarrassing moment on the homestead. It would have to be a few months ago when one of our roosters 'matured' a littler earlier than the others and started learning how to mount the hens. The hens were freaking out, making terrible noises, I thought the rooster was trying to kill the hens! So I enlisted my younger sister to help me catch the rooster to put him in 'rooster jail'. It was hard, we got scratched, winded, and dirt up our shins and calves. Then my dad came out and we happened to have just ran the rooster over to the side of the run with the door and my dad walks in, got down on a knee and reached out and grabbed the roosters foot. Just like that! I can't believe me and my sister chased that rooster around for like half an hour and my dad comes out and gets him in like a second! Not to mention he wasn't covered in dirt and chicken poop after...

That's it, hope you all get a good laugh at imagining a woman in her 20's and a teen running around after a rooster cuz he was trying to hurt the hens before we realized it was just how chickens do their thing. Lol


Hey, the tag is "homesteadingchallenge" You'll want to update your post Tag/Categories to be that, so @kiaraantonoviche will see it. :)

Thanks! I wrote this one on my phone, must've autocorrected lol

Funny story, @sarahjayn0801! Though I couldn't help feeling sympathetic for the rooster, lol! And yes, I guess it takes a bit of practice to catch a chicken (or any animal for that matter), so the first time we all get covered in dirt.