Bovine Bathing

Rain has flooded the fields where these gals normally graze in the cool of the afternoon. The lead cow took charge and as you can see in the photographs the rest followed her in chest high water to dryer ground.


About twenty females followed the leader, and I kept wondering how the calves would get across. Then I noticed the bull hanging back with the little ones making sure everyone got safely across the flooded prairie.




I wish you could send us some rain and also to those poor people in CA where all the wildfires are burning!

The fires are breaking my heart. I cannot believe the devastation of the California fires. So many people losing their homes. They could definately have some of our rain. 🐓🐓

Glad they are all safe and on dryer ground! And btw big hugs your way and congratulations on your retirement! I bet you’ll have time now to do all your heart wants and needs!💜

Thank you my dear friend. Some of me is scared to death and the rest is just plain relieved. Funny how the animals know just what to do. 💋🐓

You must have gotten a great deal of rain in a short time.

We have had rain every day for about 4 months with the caption of a few days. The fields are to capacity. 🐓🐓