This is pretty amazing! It's awesome that you're so devoted to making this your "career". I definitely need to get a little better at all of this and am thankful that @elew has been guiding me on this journey. I hope to be able to create an income from this as well.
Glad to be able to follow you and learn as I go along! <3
It takes a lot of time, patience, determination, dedication and constant visibility but it can be pay off.
Yes @elew is an excellent person to have taken you under their wing.
Is this something that can be built more part-time? I don't have lots of hours to dedicate to it right now with two kids at home. Though, I might be getting a job this coming year and I will have more time then (oddly enough because it is a slow job).
Yes it can. There's many in our community that work outside jobs and are successful.
@pennsif is one.
But if you want it bad enough, just like anything else, you can achieve it.
Find me on discord one day and we can chat.