Peas and onions go bad together I found out one year. Sunflower is my favorite companion plant, as it attracts ladybugs, and keeps the aphids away. I'm pretty sure birds also like the sunflowers because it helps them find fat bugs and slugs to eat.
Last year I found out I could extend the lifespan and overall size of basil by pruning the tips whenever they get tall. This year I am going to have to try out the basil and tomato partnership. I've always grown it in the same pot as my oregano.
Are you trying out any interesting flower varieties this year?
I wish there was a plant to keep away box alders- we got bombarded last autumn- it was absolutely ridiculous.
I'm ding zinnias, camellias, hibiscus, snapdragon, echinacea, skullcap and calendula for the moment. I have a special area in the front herb garden bed with flowers spattered throughut to bring some vibrant colors to the drab green from all the other herbs.
Lots of fun varieties. Can't wait to see how they turn out.