Tropical rainforests or often also written as tropical rain forests are biomaterials of constantly wet or damp forest, which can be found in the region around the equator; ie more or less at latitude 0 ° -10 ° to the north and to the south of the equator. Tropical rainforests can also be defined as forests located in tropical regions with high rainfall. Thus, it is called Tropical Rainforests. These forests are found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and the Pacific Islands . In English terminology, this forest formation is known as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest, tropical lowland evergreen rainforest, or briefly called tropical rainforest. Tropical rain forests are home to half of the world's flora and fauna species. Tropical rain forests are also dubbed the "world's largest pharmaceutical" since nearly 1/4 of modern medicine comes from plants in this rainforest. This rainforest is the richest of its biodiversity among other forest types. In Sarawak and Bruneisaja estimated between 1,800-2,300 species of trees with stem diameters ≥ 10 cm
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