Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons. The little Buffs are extra sweet. I want to say between 16-20 on the outside. Not all are laying yet, just a couple. Some got their wattles and combs while others not so much. They tell you at the store their age, but you have to wonder when they develop at different rates.
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On average they start laying at 20 weeks. So you'll probably start getting eggs soon! I don't know much about those particular breeds, but I think they're decent layers!
I think you're right. Seems like we've had them coming up on16 weeks. Not 100% on their age at purchase. The rooster has started going after them in the last week or two. Must be pheromones.
When did you get them? I mean, were they little babies? Usually they sell them at just a few days old. :) my chickens started showing signs of lay at around 16 weeks. Look up "the chicken squat" and the "egg song". I'm still confused at this egg song business cause mine sing it and they've not laid yet that day, they just like to get me excited, I guess! Lol