Yea! You succeeded in choosing the best out the alternatives available to you. It actually helps a lot and saves stress if only we give time to analyse the alternatives rather than just going for any.
I'm studying project management in my institution and what was contained in your post was very helpful. A lot of people might see it as just another post from @papa-pepper but that is not it, there is virtually a lesson to be learnt. A successful project manager should be able to source for diverse alternatives and choose the best way in implementing a project. It won't only save time, it will save cost and energy. I think i will love to make a blog post about my profession soonest.
"Never take an empty load - getting the most from each move"- the title is also inspiring; another of such lessons to be learnt which suggest to me one of the reasons why people don't really achieve. It's not that they're not hardworking, they just suck at implementing the project in the best way. It's good to make the most out of each opportunity that passes.
Keep that hardworking spirit alive, i'm learning day by day.
Also, those photographs and video are cool.Thanks so much @papa-pepper!!!
Much love!!!
Very cool to read! Thanks for that excellent and encouraging reply!