Planting of mustard greens and harvesting

in #homesteading7 years ago

Cultivation and stage until entering the harvest period of mustard plants. How to Cultivate Sawi with Easy Ways of Abundant Results

Sawi has a scientific name Brassica sinensis Lmerupakan vegetable leaves that thrive in hot or cool areas. This plant can grow in areas that have a height up to 1200 meters above sea level. To get the best results there are several ways of sawi planting one of them is planted in high areas. But in general the farmers planted mustard greens in areas with an altitude of 100-500 meters above sea level.

This vegetable is very rich with pro vitamin A and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is good for the body. In addition, mustard is a kind of delicious vegetables and delicious when cooked, therefore widely used as a mixture of fried rice, meatball noodles or capcay.

There are several literature that mentions caisim or mustard beneficial to relieve itching in the throat in patients with cough. In addition, this vegetable is also efficacious to improve kidney function, cleanse the blood, heal the headache and facilitate digestion.

In contrast to other vegetable cultivation, mustard plants are relatively more resistant to rainwater, so you can cultivate mustard vegetables throughout the year. But in order for this vegetable to grow properly you should set up the drainage of the garden well so that the planting area is not stagnant with water. In order for you to achieve the best results from the cultivation of the mustard you can read the full review of the way the mustard cultivation below

How to Cultivate Sawi with 4 Easy Steps

Cultivation of mustard greens is actually not too difficult, because the process of planting is almost the same as other cultivation plants such as turnips, broccoli, cabbage, etc. However, open means you can be arbitrary in planting mustard greens, because it will give less than maximum results if there is a mistake in the process of planting it. Here are some steps that must be passed in the cultivation of mustard greens.

Preparation of Seeds and Seedlings

The mustard seed is obtained by allowing the plants to bloom and produce seeds. To be flowering plants should be left to more than 70 days. After that new vegetable mustard harvested and separated seeds to dry in the sun to dry. If the sun is shining, the drying is done only 1-2 days. When stored properly the mustard seeds can last up to 3 years.

To save the mustard seeds properly and cheaply is to put them in a glass bottle. Before inserted into the bottle the seedlings should be first sterilized from bacteria and fungi by boiling. Clean the bottle until it is completely clean and dry then input the mustard seeds into the bottle to the bottom of the bottle neck. Then cover with fine ash. This ash serves to absorb steam so that moisture can be maintained at low levels. Also by covering it with ash still allows the mustard seeds to get air.

Before planted en masse in the planting land should be seeded seedlings first. How to sow the seedlings is quite easy, ie by soaking for 2 hours and then spread evenly on the media seedlings. Try the seedling medium has a protector so that the seeds are not exposed to rain and direct sunlight. You can make seed media by using a mixture of fine compost mixed with soil.

Close the seeding media by using straw until the shoots appear. Usually the buds will appear when the seeds are 2-3 days old. Then remove the dry straw that covers it and let the mustard seed grow to about 2-3 weeks so it is ready to be moved to the planting area. During the seeding process you should control the moisture level of the planting medium by regular watering.

Cultivating Land and Saving Planting

The first step before planting mustard greens is to prepare the planting land by being plowed or hoeed so the soil becomes more friable. After that make a bed with a width of 1 m and height 20-25 cm, for the length of the bed adjusted to the available land. Give a mixture of basic fertilizer on the bed and stir until blended. Every 1 hectare of land you can provide 20 tons of fertilizer. The type of fertilizer used is compost or fertilizer from animal waste. Leave the land for 2 to 3 days.

Take the mustard seeds from the seedlings, select seeds that already have 3-4 pieces of leaves and then planted on the bed that has been given a mixture of fertilizer. Set the spacing to a size of 10 x 15 cm and then flush with water to maintain the cultivation of the land.

Care and Cultivation of Sawi or Caisim

As has been known to get good cultivation results should be done good care on the plant. For mustard plants to consider is watering, especially during the dry season. When the sun shines hot watering should be done in the morning and afternoon whereas when the sun is not hot watering can be done in the morning or afternoon only.

Next treatment is embroidery and thinning. Thinning is done when mustard plants grow too tightly so it can not grow optimally. While penyulamann to replace plants that die or wilt. It is also necessary to weed regularly to remove weeding plants or weeds. Weeding needs to be done when the plants are one week old since being removed from the seeding. It is intended that the nutrients on the soil can be absorbed all by mustard plants.

Vegetables mustard is a plant that is easily attacked by pests especially those planted in the lowlands. Pests that attack many of these plants are the type of lice or walang sangit that usually make mustard leaves into holes. In addition to these two pests there are some other pests that attack such as caterpillars, wet rot, worms, seeds falling seedling, rotting leaves etc.

Handling that can be done to prevent some of the above problems can be done by making a vegetable solution made from kipait and gadung mixed with egg white as a glue. Vegetable solution can be diluted and then sprayed on plants sufficiently. This fluid is usually used to remove temporary pests.

Other handling can be done by regular watering so that pest eggs that stick can drift with water. The most important thing in pest control is to keep the condition of planting so as not to lack food intake. That way the plant will be healthy and not susceptible to diseases or pests that interfere.

Making healthy plants can be done by providing a lot of organic material in the soil. In addition, the effects of pest damage can be minimized by providing food for natural enemies of these pests.

Harvest of Crops

The mustard plant can be harvested when it is about 20 days after the seedlings are removed from the seedbed or 40 days from the beginning of the seedlings. In one time the harvest of the mustard cultivation can produce about 20 tons of the land area of ​​1 hectare. Sawi is harvested by means of removal and then washed to clean the root of the soil or mud. After harvest is usually mustard sorted by removing the damaged or decayed leaves. Then the mustard is tied to the root part and then sent to the collectors or directly sold in the market

thank you for visiting my blog this, hopefully this I give useful, see you in the next post and thank @akunku