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RE: Garden and green house update from Alaska

in #homesteading7 years ago

Ewww I had one of those as a kid. It was a full acre of grass that I had to mow for no $, with a freaking push mower too.

Here at this house we have moss, willows, palintin, dandylions and what wild grass is able to grow. I am happy with the wild look 😂


I'd definitely be happy with the wild look too!! We have 7 acres and I normally go out along the highway a bit and around the village sign; that's my only effort in or around the village, lol. At least I don't have to push mow too much, just around the house, garden, firepit, and stuff like that.
It took me an hour with the tow behind mower just to mow out the driveway and by the highway!