I'd like to thank @hebrewhousewife for tagging me for this contest and for @ginabot for notifying, otherwise I would have never known!
both on what to do and what not to do.The below video created by @daddykirbs is special to me since it was the first video I watched from him. At the time, I needed information on deworming my goats, and this timely video was the help I needed. I love how practical the information is --
After going to YouTube and curating this content for the contest, I realized that @daddykirbs is somewhat of a big deal out there with 45,000 followers. I've never been a youtube channel follower, so I have Steemit to thank for connecting me with such an excellent teacher in new skills on the homestead. Keep up the good work @daddykirbs!
I'm tagging @bluerthangreen and @negativer for the opportunity to join in.
Thanks, @allforthegood

I was just talking to someone who used turnips and pumpkins as a natural de-wormer! Gotta love going natural!
That really is wonderful how God gave everything we need in our "backyard" before anyone ever thought up a modern day solution. Never heard of turnips being used. Good to know!
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Good your post,, i like it @allforthegood