Quails 101 : How to find and open their chakras

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

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I was tending to my quails the other day and noticed one of them acting a little strange. A single blond female was walking with her head tilted down, not picking any food and looking tired (unlike all the others who were stretched upright and acting excited about the fresh feed). Quails are very delicate and a lot of things can go wrong with them both physically and psychologically ... so I wasn't sure what was causing this particular quail to act this way...

I called @Meno to come and take a look at the slouched quail. After observing her walk in this odd manner for a little while, I picked her out of the cage with minimum resistance and @Meno felt her neck. Through touch he found that the quail's neck was not aligned right - she must have twisted it somehow - it could have been from fighting with another quail or flying into the ceiling when something startles them.

So without much knowledge @Meno intuitively massaged the quail's neck and all of the sudden her posture sprang back to normal and she became animated as though there was never a problem at all. She started to rebel in my hands and show that she wanted to get back on the ground. I released her back into the coop and she flew off my hand, landed gracefully and immediately joined the flock in their feeding frenzy.

The lesson of this experience is, if you raise birds, and find them in a similar state one day, try checking their necks first. Apparently this can happen not only to quails, but also to other bird species.

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And so dear reader, with these words of practical wisdom and this scientifically accurate naturalist illustration, I send you off to become the quail yogi and a master of homesteading healing rituals.


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I think nathan will appreciate this one...

This is the coolest thing ever, I am a poultry owner too and I find it amazing the psychological needs of bird are not much different than small children. Nice work and great post!

Very true, except they can't communicate what is wrong with them ... so there is a lot of guess work.
And parrots from what I know are even more complex both physically and psychologically... They can hurt themselves if they are depressed, and their anatomy is also slightly different, but when you know your pet, your intuition is will guide you the right way.

Husbandry is constant learning. Lucky sometimes by parrot will tell me what he wants. He says “fresh” or “hachu fresh” when he is hungry and if he wants you he says “come on” and will command himself to “step up” ... but they are emotional creatures sure, they instinct is to hide sickness which helps them survive in the wild but difficult to know when something is wrong. I just try to make him happy :)

Ohh, it's so good to hear she responded well to that. It is amazing how much healing energy can be transferred from our very own hands and thoughts. ♥

oh so true, and they are so delicate that even holding them has to be done carefully, so as to not damage their wings or legs... luckily they are smart enough to cooperate when I try to pick them up.

experience taking care of the quail that gives inspiration to all @ankapolo Clearly quail or all birds are more comfortable living in the free life than living in a cage, despite the golden cage. thanks @ankapolo

Thank you... I'm not completely sure how to interpret your comment. Quails don't live very long in the wild since they are a prey for pretty every kind of predator including hunters. In captivity they usually live up to 5 years. Of course conditions matter... some people treat them as stock only, but I also care about their comfort and health.

I am so glad to see that @meno could help the quail out with neck massage.

thanks :)

Awww glad she was feeling better after her tender massage

thank you, yes we always learn new things with them.

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