Corn at the next door apartment my front area only get 2 hour of sun.
Tomatoes and potatoes also nextdoor.
Lettuce (green and red) and red bok choy in front of another apartment.
Cantaloupe, peppers, and green bok choy. My plan is to string up the melons.
More of the same.
Attempt #3 on pineapple.
Asparugas beans (yardlong pole beans) gonna go up the fence.
Bush beans and a squash.
More squash a couple cantalope and a potatoe weed.
Two bags with 4 diffrent type potatoes.
4 bags of potatoes each with at least 3 seed potatoes each and some hopi blue corn.
Purple potatoes in my small back yard. I dont know how to flip the picture.
My community garden plot all prepped
My one cannabis plant
I hear it take a couple years for a pineapple to mature is that true?
at least 2 years from what i have learned