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RE: A Chicken Best Friend

in #homesteading8 years ago

Yeah, I'm in a suburb and they consider chickens 'livestock' - just like a cow or a pig. I can't really blame the town. If you knew some of my neighbors, you'd be thankful they aren't allowed to have roosters. Not only would we be up at all hours, half of the jerks would be organizing cock fights behind the bowling alley. (Some of my neighbors are just above sub-human. Sigh.)


Most towns don't allow roosters but hens, come on! Haha tho they do get loud when they lay. Haha

Anything that specifically mentions quail?? Usually you can get around it with those.

Hmmm, hadn't considered quail. Of course, with Tinker, she might think we're making her hunt for her dinner now. She wouldn't have a problem with that, but the birds would.

One of these days, I'll tell the story of Tink plotting and executing a successful chicken raid on one of our vacation trips. It was epic!

The quail would probably be safe cause they have to be completely enclosed or they'll run away. Haha but it's something to think about! If you wanted eggs or a meat animal. I have some bobwhite quail, and they whistle JUST LIKE HUMANS! Freaked me and the dog out! He went running to see if there was someone on the property and I was too!about ready to grab a gun or something! Freaked me out!!

Oh man, I forgot about the bobwhite calls. They are distinctive, no doubt. So glad you didn't blast 'em!

It's honestly never my first instinct to grab a gun, but the thought did cross my mind, AFTER. LOL!