Well, it rained again this morning. Go figure. This afternoon, however, was quite nice out so I managed to get one little project completed. First an update on the sugar snap peas. They are growing so fast. Have a look at my Feeling Accomplished post from 19 days ago for comparison.
Today I went to Tractor Supply and got a few more t-posts and placed them down the middle of a couple rows at 3 foot spacing. Tomorrow I'm hoping to plant two determinate tomatoes between each post. The rows are a little over 50' long and I have 30 plants per row. One row will be two varieties of Roma tomatoes, and the other row will be a medium slicing variety.
I'll be cropping out the row with the black fabric this Friday. The collard greens, mustard greens, and kale is all starting to go to seed. The chard needs a couple more weeks, but I'm going to crop it out anyway. I have a bunch of strawberries that will be going into this row. I must be crazy. Surely I was thinking about harvesting bunches of tasty strawberries and not thinking about my back.
You may have also noticed that I managed to get all the wood chips spread. I wrote a little bit about it in my Feeling Accomplished, Part Two post from two weeks ago. I think we made it about 1/3 of the way through before the rain set in. I'm happy to say everything is spread and it looks like we have space for around 20 rows at 50 feet long each. This is turning out to be by far my most ambitious project yet. The plan is to put in more tomatoes, squash, eggplant, okra, and who knows what else.

your plants are so lush
It's amazing how covering the ground with wood chips makes such a huge difference. Our soil is that sticky 'gumbo mud' clay. The stuff that has been under chips for a few months is starting to look like dark, fertile soil.
I’m just trying to remember exactally what those beautiful days with all the lush, green plants feel like. But I just can’t quite remember. But it won’t be long til your beautiful weather makes it way up to Missouri!
Looking great. I’m excited to see what it produces, best of luck.
Thanks! I’m getting rather excited myself. I’m great with aquaponics and hydroponics. I’ve never been much of a dirt farmer . . .