
I have had coons unlock latches, break into the rafters of the barn name it ...we have tons of the little buggers here in Florida and smart they is a constant battle even now, we just have ducks and it is the same story. You just have to stay ahead of them i reckon...We free range and feel that is the only way to go as it defeats the purpose to pen them...We get occasional airlifts by hawks but only with young...We have learned to keep them in a run or round until quite big. SO worth it though..our new ducks have the deepest orange yokes i have ever seen...:)
another great you can see I love this topic! LOL
Happy Day!

Have you ever put out coon cuffs to get rid of a few of those coons? I see you love this topic and it is a great topic you never quit learning as you go.

what is a coon have my interest for sure!

It is a trap that catches their foot and holds them. It is a small tube that you put bait in because a coon holds food with front feet, so he will stick his foot in to get the bait and it catches him and holds him till you get there to deal with him.

Oh wow! You are hardcore...i love it! We just use the metal critter traps with the always seems to work. The my husband drops them and buries them...We have quite a coon grave yard in these parts. :/