As we have been on Steemit for 230 days of 2017, We were thinking about 2018 and we needed to think about where we wanted to be this time next year. We have met many new people and think we have made many new friends. We have worked to make this blog what it is today. Here are some goals we have for 2018.
We want to have a reputation score of around 70, it is getting harder to build this score as we continue on this platform and it will take more posts, views and followers to get it done. We want to have 2000 true followers by December of 2018. Right now we have 710 followers but not many of them are active as we only average about 20 votes and 22 views on our posts. We want to be over the 500 mark on SP by December 2018. This is some goals that we hope to be able to reach on our Steemit blog for 2018.
Here are the goals for our homestead in 2018.
We want to have a small garden going so that we are producing some of our own vegetables for the family. We also want to have a small flock of chickens for the eggs we use every day. We are starting out small here to get the idea of where we need to grow at and not to overwhelm ourselves at first and learn as we go with these things.

We are looking to have one of the AirCrete houses up and finished, it will take about 2500 blocks for the house to get them up, we need weather above 60 degrees for the blocks to cure. There will many posts and videos on this as we go and lots of information shared on how to do this type of building. Then we can get out of the temporary living arrangements we are in right now, being a pallet cabin and campers. We want to get the small house finished, which is close but are adding something to make it better in the coming days when it gets warmer outside. We have a big family here on this 11 acres. As we are doing this debt free and it takes longer than normal to get things done because we have to get the money to buy building materials and such. We are doing the labor ourselves which takes time also as I am the one with the building experience and I am a disabled vet and can only do so much before I have to stop and our son and my brother help a lot on this with labor they are most of the muscle on this and I am grateful they are willing to do this. My wife and our daughter pitch in with small tasks that they can do and even the grandkids help. Building our homestead together helps us build our relationships and makes them stronger.
We need to get a truck this year as we have blown a motor in the minivan we have because of having to pull a small trailer to get building supplies and other things we needed. So now we have to pay delivery charges for things which cut into the amount of building supplies we can get because of this added expense.
We will need to get a tractor with a loader to help with heavy lifting and leveling and such for the foundations of the houses. We have rented equipment in the past but that is very expensive and the delivery charges are $250.00 just for doing this. We will be saving up the SBD from posts on Steemit for this in the future. We will not power down for this as it will mess up the goal of 500 SP for the year.
We have come a long way on our homestead in the past year since we bought our land. We have got it cleared for our homes and cleared areas for the animals and the garden. We have got the well put in, which is great because to haul water gets old and is expensive in itself, with equipment and fuel to go get it and the time it takes haul and transfer to our tanks. We still have a long way to go but in the end, it will be the best thing we have done in our life. We have something that our children and grandchildren can be proud of and something for them to have when my wife and I have left this earth. The knowledge of what we are doing is the greatest gift I know to give them and it will help them continue on this journey and be able to pass it to future generations.
We hope we can teach many of you some of the things we are doing on our homestead, like the building with AirCrete and you will gain some helpful knowledge through our posts. From @basicstoliving we want to thank you for your support in our endeavors. Happy New Year!
Many thanks to @kiaraantonoviche for the challenge, Original post here.
Do Not Forget To Follow, Upvote and Resteem!

Awesome resolutions! I can help with the Steemit ones by upvoting but I look forward to seeing updates on all the rest! You've been entered into the challenge, thank you!
Thank You! Soon my days will be building and my nights will be making posts. I cannot wait, come on springtime!
been announced! I hope to see you in future contests!Thank you for participating in the most recent #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner and a few honorable mentions have just
Please upvote this comment also to help us get a truck and a tractor. Thanks for your support!
Good luck!
(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot. "Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
I love this! My husband, Mr. Britches, is a Navy veteran. I am more and more amazed by the awesome Steemit community every day.
Thanks! I hope Steemit just keeps getting better. There are several awesome communities on Steemit. Followed!
@basicstoliving great list of goals for 2018. Good luck with the chicken endeavour. I love chickens. Looks out for more info from us regarding how to keep happy healthy hens. ANd Ill be following you guys as well to see how you fair with the homestead this year. Cheers for now.
Following you also and checking your posts!
success continue the business do not never give up
wishing you all the best of luck in you homesteading endeavors.
Upvoted and followed!
worthy goals and I really look forward to watching your journey. We will be doing the same thing in a few years.
Oh, I am seriously interesting in listening in as you do the AirCrete home...I am mulling over the various materials out there for when we get some land, and this is one of my favorites so far, I think.