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RE: Peter VanDen Berg Double Shoe Box RMH Fire Box...

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Well I would suggest an RMH. You guys are capable. Get Iantos book if you dont have it and just go for it in the spring. They actually use a tenth the wood of a wood stove. Plant some willows and after 4 or five years cut them down and they will regrow good coppice wood every year for fire wood no splitting required. You could probably do it in a couple days for cheap if you use cob and a 55 gallon drum etc.


We are looking at doing this IN the house, so we are probably going to spend a little more than bare minimum this time. The old RMH is still set up waiting for us to decide what to build around it. The hoop collapsed last year, so we have a couple fairly major projects on the books come spring!