The old trailer has seen better days with many winters of snow load and leaking it is nearly rotted away.
The trailer was left on this property for over 15 years in Willow, Alaska.
The only other options where to haul it off or tear it down. But my chickens have better plans. The trailer is insulated so with a small heat source I should be able to keep the fowl happy even in the coldest of the winter, -20 to -50 degrees.
With a separation wall you can even have dry storage for grain and straw, and keep the fowls away from the heat source. I even have a sink and propane cook stove for???whatever. I will eventually convert the shower area into storage, or a warm area to doctor up some of our other animals in the cold of winter instead of bringing them in the house.
With some select local saplings I harvested I was able to construct the outdoor run.
And with the help with my cordless finish nailer to do the framing and the crown stapler to hang the chicken wire, the staple gun is a must for hanging wire fence. It turned the once tedious task into a breeze, and allowing over stapling for that extra secure coop.
Now them chickens can get their much needed sun baths and fresh air.
They love their new coop!
Functional reuse, good design. Put some of the liquid latex roof coating on the roof for a positive seal, to keep the inside dry. I bet the those feathered biddies really like the new diggs! It should keep decent egg production even that far North.