On this week's episode of Homesteads and Homeschools the Liberty Hippie sits down with Tamlynn Clyde of Clyde's Dale Homestead and discusses how her and her husband got started homesteading without even really knowing it. We talked about their multiple moves across the country and the mental resiliency that goes into re-planting and re-starting more than once. We also discussed some of the unique and different ways that they have been able to monetize certain aspects of their homestead.
Tamlynn also has some years of experience as a homeschooling mom, having graduated one already with a second graduating soon, and a third that just started kindergarten. We talked about how she handles the different age-based needs of her students, as well as how she is able to incorporate the homestead into her homeschool activities and projects. Another fun and exciting interview that will no doubt give you somethings to think about.
After the interview, the Liberty Hippie shares a quick recipe for corned venison with just enough time for you to prepare yours for next St. Patrick's Day.
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Sow seeds of liberty so we can all reap sheaves of freedom together.
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