This was really fun to read and see! I can't believe there were that many critters in a minute too.
So in a year, there was a drop in critters and your creek went up by 1 level? It's good that you guys got the thumbs up for a healthy creek but does this not mean that next year you might see it hit 13? Is there anything you guys can do?
Now I Know there are special League technical terms for all of this, but this is my account of what happened 😊
This was very funny, you got a big smile from me there haha!
Great stuff and I'm glad to see you're getting stuck into the writing aspect of Steemit. Wonderful little post.
BuddyUP server. Looking forward to seeing you in there at some point :)I stumbled onto this all because @svemirac dropped it into our
The drop in the critters from over 400 in that spot down 200 plus made the ecosystem calculate out to be perfect. Anything way over or way under would make the index score go down, so we won't ever go above a perfect 12. The water test might be a different story with all the cattle on the farm next to us :( I sure appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a comment and I am REALLY happy I could bring a smile to your face. WOW, I guess someone liked my post to drop on the BuddyUp Server? I am flattered. Thanks again and have a great weekend.