You're sorry for going full nerd? Never! This is one of your most endearing qualities!! I'd never heard of a goat suddenly going blind with goat polio. Or the fern that mimics thiamine. I'm oddly reminded of the explorer Doug Mawson and husky dog livers... but that is a long awful story!
Mawson and Mertz: a re-evaluation of their ill-fated mapping journey during the 1911–1914 Australasian Antarctic Expedition
I'm so glad you find nerdiness endearing! I checked out the story about the dogs, and I think I will skip both the book and the movie. I don't think I could handle reading such a horrible story! I can see why you thought of it, though, with the vitamin A theory.
The book was horrific - I will spare you any further details.
Did the husky livers poison the explorer who died and drive Doug Mawson mad? All these years later, theories continue to be improvised and revised.
Mawson lived for many decades after that. Anyone with the fortitude and courage to attempt such an expedition in the first place if made of better stuff than I am!
The book was a brutal, brutal read.Ooh, glad I googled it - I didn't know there was a movie!