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RE: Cropping Out And Replanting What I Can Before The Fall

in #homesteading8 years ago

For us, dry season begins in December and lasts through to May. This is the most depressing time of year. No rain. No flowers. Just dry and more dryer. We water all the time and have vegetables and fruit. Some flowers. But it's not the same as rain water.


Oooh WOW! That would sure be a challenge keeping everything watered and healthy in the dry season!

That's why I have two wells and two water tanks (one 10,000 litres he other 2500 litres). And sometimes that's not enough...

Incredible! Thank you for sharing, that's just crazy! And here we complain about the snow, but really everywhere has a winter, some are just different than others...

A long "winter" in FL lasts 2 days ;). We tend to bitch about the cold when it gets down to the 50's. Personally, I love it when the temperature drops, as I can break out my sweet sweater collection (mostly Christmas gifts from my grandmother over the years [she bought, and made, amazing sweaters!])


AHHAA!! That is too cute, and I know that all the Canadian snowbirds are easy to spot down there, you're in your Xmas sweater, they're all tanning at the beach LOL!!