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RE: Kiedis is Gr8! A Birthday Party with Chickens for Entertainment (As Always)

in #homesteading7 years ago

The birthday boy, Kiedis, sure a handsome dude! I understand why the girls flock around! He has some good taste in girls too. I notice the girls are in the run and the guys are outside! LOL I think Stryder loves chocolate cake too! What a beautiful day for a party! The sun is actually shining! Sorry I missed the party. I looked like a lot of fun! Happy 8th Birthday, Kiedis!


Yes, the little Mamas all in the run, I thought they wouldn't want to be in there this year, because we don't have any baby chicks like last year. Nope, didn't make any difference to em at all :) :)

Wish you could have been here too, especially with what's going on in your country right now, would love to whisk you away Ceci!!

Thanks, Lyndsay! I appreciate the sentiment!