Wonderful to read others living rural survival grade. I live in woods, I just went over 2 months without water due to big snow freeze and underground pipes breaking. I caught rain water and made me a porta-potty with a plastic salad bowl placed in toilet. I have Stanley Irish wood cook stove, so I heated rain water to wash up with. I also grow my own as much as possible and have a pantry; I encourage others to do the same. I survived over 2 months in a situation where some one whom was not educated in rural survival & traditional lifestyles would go freakin nuts ;) I was at peace. Cheers
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Well done on being so resourceful and calm during more challenging times. Thanks so much for sharing your story, very interesting indeed. It is such a good feeling to test ourselves from time to time (although it is often unplanned).
Yes, I felt calm about everything as I knew I had food, rain water, crap control, heat....roof over my head.....I feel fortunate. I lost my phone and internet too for a couple of weeks during that time. I did tell my friends however to look at Richard Wagner's life, he composed exceptional music and he did not live any differently than I was at the time......:) Cheers, glad to have found this community....