My patio garden is growing faster than I thought to the point I ran out of my potting mix I put in my planters
Everyone knows preschool teachers don't make a lot of money so I have to do things on a budget. So I will just have to wait til next weekend to buy what I need for my plants. This is fine they still have room in the peet pots and they are not root bound yet. I create my potting soil with organic garden soil,peet moss and black cow manure.

Yes I use black cow manure in my soil mixture. We used cow manure on our garden and on our fields when I was a child and we had the best results. I don't use any chemicals on my plants. And I shovel a lot of cow manure when I was younger I have no problem using it now.
Your plants need a little something to help them grow and cow manure is a natural fertilizer. I know a lot of people use chemical fertilizer and face it we don't know what our food is fertilized with when we buy it in the store.
I think a lot of things what we do now is what we did as children. No I don't judge people on how they grow their food. It is all a matter of what we are comfortable with.
Aww...look at that little garden. We're getting snow while you have plants growing! So funny to see how different Floridas climate is.
Central Florida is different than Northern Florida where they actually gets some snow.
I hop this blog helps you as an extra income.
In my house we us whatever is at hand, butter recipients, juice gallons, etc.
Thank you
Cow manure is a environmentally benign substance compared to the chemical brew routinely applied to our food supply.
I’m still about 4 weeks away from starting my garden plants. I have been accumulating my supplies. I’m partial to my soil block maker for my seedlings.
Good luck with your new seedlings.
Where did you find your soil block maker?
I’m on my second one. The first one lasted nearly 20 years.
I have a micro20 for starting seeds and transplant to mini4 to finish most transplants.
Found a good deal on Amazon.
I will have to check on amazon then. Thanks.
Great work! Your plants are looking great!
You have a healthy garden starting there, @coffeetime! It must be the good old cow manure. Does it every time.
Thanks, If something works stick with it.
I wish I could get my plants to grow they keep dying on me. Will the cow manure work well on herbs?
it should