Proof-of-fish, LOL!!
I love the distinction between consumer and steward.
So far I thought of this distinction as consumer vs. owner - as in taking ownership of and responsibility for yourself.
But I like steward better, actually, because it has a ring of "trust" in it. You've been entrusted with a great responsibility.
Sorry, I know your article is about fishing, but this bit is what staid with me and what I will think about a little more...
No, fishing was the example used to illustrate the point you understand. You got the point!
For me when we began tithing it changed everything and I saw that nothing is ours; God has just entrusted us over certain things and we have to care-fully use them. It was a very freeing realization.
Very good realization to reach!
Posts like these make me realize that being a constant consumer is really mind numbing. Plastic? Oh we have handy bags that people come take away once a week. Not my problem.
I was at a man's house earlier. Twice a year he takes in his garbage. Usually, it barely fills the back of a pickup truck with the bags. It was really inspirational.