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RE: Building house #11 - getting really exhausted!

in #homesteading2 months ago

I would imagine bricklaying to be the tedious and time-consuming part of building a house because it's done one piece at a time. And considering the mixing of sand and cement too.

You've used a good technique in making sure it's aligned.

By the way, can I ask why there are no reinforcements or metal straps to connect the bricks to the foundation or the columns/pillars?

Overall, the speed-up bricklaying is so entertaining to watch (+ the 2x play speed too). Your cat is so sweet!


I also wondered, but apparently the weight alone is enough to keep it in place and after 5 blocks or 60cm in height we have rebar horizontal again.
You will see in coming episodes!

I see, noted that. That means it will still have a connection to the columns.