Daddykirbs DEMONETIZED?! - Smaller YouTube Channels CUT! What can we do?

in #homesteading7 years ago

Normally I publicize videos in the mornings. I edit and upload at night then schedule for release to the public at 8am the next morning. Last night was different. I just wanted this video to get out there. After shooting this video in the orchard I went right to work getting it edited just right (ok... just well enough). It took about 40 minutes to upload on my sorry country connection, but it got done. Once all the blanks were filled in on the YouTube admin section I set it to PUBLIC. Then went to bed.

This morning when I awoke I stumbled around, per my normal waking routine, then I checked my phone for updates. It was a little shocking to me that the video had gained 1000 views overnight! Wow, this is a sensitive subject!

Lots of people are affected by this new YouTube change and it's got some feathers ruffled. I'm hoping that the message overall is that we need to support each other. We can make a difference in the lives of others. YouTube is just a website. They don't own you. Take your story and take control. Steemit is a great place to share and build a community.

No platform anywhere... Let me say that again NO PLATFORM ANYWHERE is going to make you rich without you taking the time to build an audience. Love people and build a community. Build it and get involved and I truly believe that the rewards will come. Some of those rewards will even likely be money. Along the way I think you'll find that the greatest rewards cannot be exchanged at the banks.

You have been good to me. I do hope, in time, I can do more to be good to you.

Thank you for sharing this time with me!


Tweeted this out to show case an awesome channel!

Thank you for your constant support of my content :)

Thank you for sharing. I was upset to find out that all of my youtube channels were being demonetized. It wasn't a huge source of revenue, but it was a little bit.

It was a little shocking to me that the video had gained 1000 views overnight!

Shouldn't that fix it?

The message I got from Youtube was that my channels would need to have 4000 hours of viewing time annually and 1000 subscribers. Once I reached those numbers, my account would be reconsidered.

Ahhh...I knew 1000 was in there some where.
I am sort of ignoring that, since my channel has about a dozen subscribers and not much views. I had 1 video that sort of went viral. I need to get back on track with everything.

A good piece of information

Thanks for sharing your perspective and showcasing some other worthy channels to check out!

Great video, very encouraging! It's great what you are doing for those channels.
My channel is affected as well, since I don't have enough watch hours. It kinda makes me wanna quit YouTube altogether, but I don't want to let down any fans. They need some time to adjust to the age of blockchain ;)
I do encourage them to join Steemit through my Instagram channel though.

Thanks for sharing! I too was shocked to get "the email", but it is what it is and well..... I too will be moving more to Steemit pretty soon. Love your channel! God Bless!