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RE: Our Homestead Is 95 Percent Off The Grid Already

in #homesteading7 years ago

When are you going to start uploading the videos from when you ran an illegal toxic garbage dump in New York?

That was supposedly "off grid" too, except for the wires running from the on-grid house to the tar paper shit shack in the waste pile in the meadow...






Troy I dont remember you eating these chickens that died from your neglect in these pictures, when you lived in NY

Have a nice day:)

and here is the video, unedited on troys youtube channel of the dead chickes , watchit , and think on it folks [ trolls ]

thank you for showing Troys neglect in the way he treats his chickens

ok you want proof of the chickens , this is the recorded video of those badly treated videos, this was saved by liveleak ,
it shows the unedited treatment of the chickens,
those other pictures that were posted on here where only from all over the web.

Oh the horror!!! You got a photo of my wood piles before I cleaned it up. Oh no. You got me.

And some stupid blurry photos of chickens. No idea where you are getting those and I have no idea the point of it.

Have a great day now :)

oh, and here is the best of it all....

Here goes.....

Get this.....

In January there would be snow on the ground!!!!!

Hmm, get your dates and facts right before spreading a smear campaign.

Have a nice day :)

Troy we got the photos from the videos you shot, now if you go back and look at the dates in your videos you will see when you posted the videos and when there was not snow on the ground, its really does not take a rocket scientist to figure out.

Just cause your slow does not mean everyone else is.

and the link to these video please do show us your not lieing

i found the video. the unedited one that is on troys video
please do watch it in full.

@thediyworld Those “stupid blurry photos” of dead chickens are from your own videos. Check it out yourself like I just did. January 23rd, 2016 on your property, no snow on the ground but plenty of dead chickens. When are you going to get your facts right?