My Mom Joined Steemit!

in #homesteading7 years ago

This steemit thing is really picking up! I am doing my best to outside recruit, since getting more people on steemit means more curation and more content. I hope those ofyou that read through my posts go check out my Mom's page and give her a little encouragement!20180309_133457 (2).jpg I am sure she will build fairly quick and be putting out amazing content. I would appreciate it if you gave her a visit @goldcat.

The weather here is finally cooling off and though we were supposed to get snow today and tomorrow, well now the predictions have changed again. This is fine by me because, well, I have a lot of greens up now.

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I found her introduction. I'm following you both. I'm looking forward to seeing her urban food forest and your homestead.Do you plan on combining your skills at your own place in Arkansas? It would be nice to see how see likes Arkansas.

That would be great! My mom went to school for plants. She has the GREENEST thumb I know about. If I can't get answers from her, well I am buried in a book, magazine or online trying to figure it out. I have been pushing her to get out of the city! But they are stuck there due to work and bills and the such. I am holding onto some hope that she will see the light, LOL.